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2 percentá z daní

Why send your 2% to Mobile gardens?

Because we need your help to start more gardens.
Do you pay taxes? If the answer is yes then you have the perfect opportunity to significantly help spread mobile gardens in Bratislava. And all it is going to cost you is just few minutes of filling simple forms.

Combine the tedious work of filing taxes with something good and donate 2% from your taxes to the mobile gardens project. This money is going to help us with our project of community vineyard and mobile garden at Pionierska street which we are establishing in the spring of 2015.

And your 2% (whether they will buy a new garden box (35euros) or 100 new grape vines (150euros)) are for us an opportunity to start more mobile gardens in Bratislava. The first one was Sasinkova, the second one will be Pionierska and maybe in 2016 there will be one below your windows. Please, help us to reach our goals.

The process is an easy one.

You either pay your taxes as an employee (thus, your employer is paying them for you), in which case you need to fill and send 2 easy forms to your tax offices(click here to do it). Or you pay your taxes yourself (you are a self-employed payer) in which case you just fill some additional boxes in your tax declaration (click here to do it). Or you pay as a company, a firm in which case filling few additional boxes in your tax declaration form can transform your 1.5 percent into gardens. ( click here to do it)

And what are we going to do with the money?

We will establish a new garden! This year it is one on Pionierska street for which we need to buy 670 grape vines (1500 euros) and build 60 garden boxes (2100euros).

If you still have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us -


Sandra, Michal, Katka, Peťa, Claire

Procedure for OMPLOYEES

  • 1. 1. Ask your employer to give you accounting of the prepaid amount designated for your taxes.
  • 2. 2. Ask you employer for the confirmation of tax payment form (download here).
  • 3. 3. You can calculate your 2% from paid taxes based on this form. It is the maximum you can donate, however it has to be minimum of 3 €. If in 2014 you volunteered at least 40 hours, you can donate 3 % of your taxes. All the ‘gardeners’ fulfill this condition! In case you want the confirmation of your volunteer work in the garden, please write us an email and we will send it to you.
  • 4. 4. Fill the amount you want to donate to us into the declaration form (download here).
  • 5. 5. Send both forms, confirmation and declaration, to your local tax office (assigned to you based on you permanent residence address) by 30.04.2015. Tax offices have 90 days to transfer your 2% to the Vnutroblok account. You can thus expect to hear about how much we have received sometimes at the beginning of the summer.

Documents for downloading Confirmation of your volunteer work (pdf) Confirmation of tax payment form (doc)

Procedure for those who pay taxes in person (self-employed)

  • 1. Calculate your 2% from tax from salaries if paid in person (form called Tax on personal income –Dane z príjmov fyzickej osoby). You can donate minimum 3 €.
  • 2. 2. In tax declaration form for self-payers (taxes paid in person) you have boxes for donating 2 % to one receiver. The information you might need in case you want to donate your 2% to Vnutroblok and Mobile gardens:

    IČO: 42269385
    Právna forma: občianske združenie
    Názov: Vnútroblok
    Ulica: Zochova
    Číslo: 16/8
    PSČ: 811 03
    Obec: Bratislava

Procedure for legal entities (Companies)

  • 1. 1. Calculate your 1.5 % of your company taxes – that is the maximum amount you can donate, it has to be though higher than 8 euros
  • 2. 2. If your company in 2014 (until the deadline for your taxes. – usually 31.3.2015):
  • A. Did not donate at least 0.5 % from the taxes or an organization working for public benefit (for example Vnútroblok, you can donate HERE), it can assign only 1.5 % of taxes – it states in the tax declaration form that it is assigning only 1.5 % of taxes: fill 3rd box in the section 4
  • B. Did donate at least 0.5 % from the taxes for an organization working for public benefit (for example Vnútroblok, you can donate HERE)), it can assign 2 % from taxes – it states in the tax declaration form that it is donating 2% from taxes: fill 1st and 2nd box in the section 4
  • 3. There are boxes for the donation of 1.5 (2)% of taxes to one receiver in the section 4 of the tax declaration form of legal entities (companies). Information you need to fill in the tax declaration form:

    IČO: 42269385
    Právna forma: občianske združenie
    Názov: Vnútroblok
    Ulica: Zochova
    Číslo: 16/8
    PSČ: 811 03
    Obec: Bratislava

  • 4. 4. In case you have decided to donate to more than one organization, please attach another sheet of paper with all the necessary information about the receivers and the amount you are donating to them, to your tax declaration form. In the 4th box state to how many receivers you are donating a portion of your paid taxes.
  • 5. 5. Send the tax declaration form to your local tax office, which has 90 days to transfer the money to Vnutroblok’s account. You can thus expect to hear about how much we have received sometimes at the beginning of the summer.
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